Grace's admiration for the arts began in her early childhood, where she spent countless hours drawing and colouring. Throughout high school is when her interest and curiosity toward tattooing began to flourish.
Grace graduated from the Specialized Art Program at her high school, driven by her passion for visual arts. Following Secondary, she completed her first year in the Photography program at Algonquin College. Although she enjoyed the medium, Grace quickly realized that her true career aspiration was to become a tattoo artist.
Her current artwork is influenced by illustrative genres such as anime, as well as by her favourite films and directors, including Tim Burton.
Under the mentorship of Nelson, Grace is expanding her skills as a tattoo apprentice. She is eager to immerse herself in the tattooing world and to share her passion for the medium with others.
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, Grace offers a safe and inclusive space for everyone.
Find more of Grace’s work on Instagram and on TikTok